Denture Alternatives: What Are Your Options?

Denture Alternatives in Wayne, NJ | Mini Dental Implants | Dr. Fine

Missing teeth can create many different challenges, from the embarrassment of a gap in your smile to difficulty eating or speaking and, eventually, oral health issues like shifting teeth and gum disease. A large number of Americans face these challenges, as over 120 million people are missing at least one tooth, and 36 million people have no remaining teeth. These numbers are projected to increase in the coming years. If you are missing all or most of your teeth already or will likely deal with this scenario soon, you may be considering dentures. Thanks to advancements in prosthetic dentistry, you don’t have to settle for traditional dentures. At Fine Dental Care, we offer a range of newer, stronger, more versatile denture alternatives.

Understanding Denture Alternatives

Denture Alternatives in Wayne, NJ | Mini Dental Implants | Dr. Fine

We’ve all heard of dentures, those tried-and-true dental appliances developed to replace missing teeth. Although traditional dentures have a long history, they have their fair share of drawbacks, such as bulkiness, poor fit, chewing difficulty, and even the risk of falling out at the most inconvenient moments. Luckily, denture technology has developed over the years, primarily thanks to dental implants.

These denture alternatives provide solutions that look, feel, and function more like our natural teeth. Instead of simply resting on the gums or needing messy adhesives to stay put, these implant-supported alternatives are integrated directly with the jawbone, providing a much more stable and natural feel.

Traditional Dentures and Denture Alternatives

Dr. Fine specializes in implant dentures using mini dental implants because of their excellent success rate and high patient satisfaction. Still, it’s important to understand all the options available in order to make an informed choice for your needs.

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Traditional Dentures

This is the stereotypical model you see when you picture the word “dentures” in your head—the kind you see in old movies. Traditional dentures come in two types, depending on the extent of tooth loss:

  1. Full dentures: Also called “complete dentures,” these dentures rest on the gums or use the roof of the mouth for support. These dentures are used when you have no remaining teeth in the upper or lower jaw.
  2. Partial dentures: These dentures are designed to work with your remaining healthy teeth and fill in the gaps where needed. They connect to the teeth with metal clasps.

Both of these traditional options have been used for many years but are lacking in terms of natural look, feel, and stability. Also, because they are frequently removed, traditional dentures carry an extra risk of loss or damage that implant dentures do not.

Implant Dentures

Implant dentures attach to posts that are screwed directly into the jawbone, providing enhanced stability and support. They come in removable and non-removable options and are unmatched in fit, feel, and durability. We offer various mini implant dentures to meet our patients’ diverse needs, including:

  1. Overdentures: Also called “snap-on” dentures, these attach using 4-8 implants and can be removed at home for cleaning. In certain cases, a patient with traditional full dentures can have them converted into overdentures if they are in good condition.
  2. Semi-removable roundhouse bridge: A semi-removable roundhouse bridge is a full arch of artificial teeth that connects to 6-10 mini implants. This option is sometimes referred to as the Fix-on-Six® system. These dentures are semi-removable because only Dr. Fine will remove them during your routine dental cleanings. Our roundhouse bridges are made from high-quality zirconia, the strongest material used in dental prostheses.
  3. Non-removable roundhouse bridge: Offering unrivaled strength and stability, the non-removable zirconia bridge is firmly cemented onto 10-12 mini implants. This is the most permanent and durable solution for replacing an entire arch of teeth.
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The Added Benefits of Denture Alternatives

Think of traditional dentures as a first-generation smartphone: innovative for their time but constrained by their limitations. Implant dentures, especially ones that use mini dental implants, are like the latest smartphone models—they’re smaller, sleeker, and more efficient. Mini implant dentures offer many advantages over traditional denture options, such as:

  • Confidence boost: Speak, laugh, and chew without a second thought. The added stability of implant dentures means that unexpected slips are a thing of the past.
  • Jawbone health: When teeth are lost, the jawbone begins to deteriorate. Our denture alternatives maintain the health of your jawbone. This is because the mini implants act as artificial tooth roots, stimulating the jawbone to prevent the loss of surrounding tissue and bone.
  • Natural feel and function: Implant dentures are as close as you can get to the real deal. With a better fit and stronger chewing power, denture alternatives look and work more like your natural teeth.
  • Value: Compared to traditional dentures, mini implant dentures save on cost because they do not need frequent adjustments or adhesives to maintain fit. Mini implants are also more cost-effective than conventional implants. When considering these factors together, it’s clear that mini implant dentures provide far greater long-term value than alternative options.

A Worthwhile Investment

At Fine Dental Care, we understand that patients value high-quality, affordable denture care. Our team of experienced staff members can walk you through the tangled web of insurance and financing. Confused about insurance coverage? We’ll ensure you understand your benefits and file any necessary claims with your provider. Need help with financing? We work with multiple financial partners to offer flexible payment plans that will work for your budget. Don’t let the stress of financial confusion keep you from a transformative and necessary dental procedure.

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Start Your Journey Today

Your smile is a precious asset, and missing teeth can make you reluctant to show it to the world. With denture alternatives, a new world of comfort, confidence, and functionality is within reach. Dr. Bruce Fine at Fine Dental Care is an experienced provider of implant dentures with over 30 years of expertise in delivering successful implant solutions.

If you are ready to explore advanced denture options with mini dental implants, schedule a free consultation with Dr. Fine today!

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