Category Archives: Full-mouth Reconstruction

Full Dentures Are Better With Mini Implants

Losing all your teeth can be stressful, but it’s a much more common problem than [...]

Emergency Dentist Dr. Fine Offers Quick, Affordable Service

Imagine you’re enjoying a fun weekend outing, and you bite down on something hard out [...]

Mini Implant Dentures: The Key to a Secure Smile

We’ve all heard the old phrase, “It’s what’s on the inside that counts.” This idiom [...]

Permanent Dentures Provide Secure Comfort

Are you among the 26% of adults age 65 and older dealing with eight or [...]

Full-Mouth Restoration Rebuilds a Beautiful Smile

When you face everyday tasks like talking, smiling, or eating, your teeth play a significant [...]

Stabilize Loose Dentures With Mini Dental Implants

Have you ever been at a family gathering, laughing at a joke or biting into [...]

Meet the All-on-4® Denture Upgrade: Fix-on-Six®

Since their invention around 2500 BC, dentures have presented various challenges. The most common of [...]

Snap-On Dentures Offer a Secure Smile

Approximately 20% of adults aged 65 and older have no natural teeth remaining. Severe tooth [...]

Implant Dentist in Wayne, NJ: Meet Dr. Bruce Fine

Tooth loss affects people of all ages. Children lose their baby teeth naturally, but adults [...]

Denture Alternatives: What Are Your Options?

Missing teeth can create many different challenges, from the embarrassment of a gap in your [...]