Before and After

Click and drag the arrows to the right or left to reveal the smile transformations!

Full Mouth Reconstruction

Dental implants replaced unhealthy teeth in six visits over a six month period. For teeth that hurt, are ugly, and interfere with eating, go with this solution.

Beautiful Smile

This patient had severe tooth damage due to acid, but all the teeth were able to be saved through the use of crowns.

Teeth Replacement

This beautiful, natural-looking smile was created through the use of dental implants for a fabulous smile.

Which Crown is an Implant?

If you don't like your smile and you are going to lose a front tooth - look what we can do!

I Love My Smile

Isn’t it amazing what we can do for you smile?

Teeth Replacement

Replacing teeth can drastically improve your smile. Just look at the difference!

Broken Front Teeth

Broken front teeth such as these can be made beautiful again - just ask us!

Broken Tooth

If your tooth is broken and you are able to save the pieces, it is sometimes possible to restore the tooth. Check out the incredible smile this patient has after we were able to put the pieces of her broken tooth back together.

Denture and Implants

What happens when you grind your teeth? The tooth structure can be severely damaged with chronic tooth grinding, but we can help with dentures and implants.

Pain Relieved

Pain relief can be life-changing. Not only does this patient's smile look better, he feels better too.

Invisalign Case

Invisalign treatment can be a subtle, easy way to align your teeth and give you the confidence to smile wide.

Full Mouth Reconstruction

Dental implants replaced unhealthy teeth in six visits over a six month period. For teeth that hurt, are ugly, and interfere with eating, go with this solution.