What Is TMJ Disorder?
Watch this video by Dr. Bruce Fine, an experienced New Jersey implant dentist, as he explains temporomandibular joint disorder and how it’s treated.
I’m sure you’ve wondered why you wake up with a tight jaw sometimes. This discomfort often stems from a condition called TMJ disorder. TMJ stands for the temporal bone (our skull bone), the mandibular bone (our lower jaw), and the joint that connects the two. In most cases, over 80% of the time, the symptoms are muscular in nature. These symptoms occur because your jaw muscles become tense. The underlying cause is often clenching and grinding of teeth during sleep, leading to muscle dysfunction.
Over time, this can also result in joint dysfunction. Interestingly, individuals who experience migraines upon waking often find that the trigger is teeth clenching or grinding during sleep. Fortunately, there’s an oral device called an NTI that has been used for many years to address TMJ disorders. It has received FDA approval for this purpose and has proven highly effective, resolving over 90% of TMJ issues. You may be pleasantly surprised by how small, easy to use, and effective the NTI device is in alleviating your TMJ problems. We look forward to meeting you and helping you find relief from your TMJ issues. Have a great day.